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Pin-Lan Li, M.D., Ph.D.




M.D. Yichang Medical College, China, 1975;
M.S. Tongji Medical University, China, 1982;
Ph.D. University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1992.

Research Interest:

Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology; Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Coronary Circulation; Pathogenesis of Glomerular Injury Associated with Hyperhomocysteinemia and Hypertension; Lipid Raft-Redox Signaling Platforms; Intracellular Molecule and Organelle Trafficking; Ca2+ Signaling and Ion Channels.

Selected Publications:

Li PL and E Gulbins. Lipid rafts and redox signaling. Antioxid & Redox Signal 9(9): 1411-1416 2007.

Zhang F, PL Li. Reconstitution and characterization of a nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP)-sensitive Ca2+ release channel from liver lysosomes of rats. J Biol Chem. 282(35):25259-25269, 2007.

Jin Si, Y Zhang, F Yi, PL Li. Critical role of lipid raft redox signaling platforms in endostatin-induced coronary endothelial dysfunction. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 28:485-490, 2008.

Jin S, F Yi, S Jia, F Zhang, C Evans, PL Li. Lysosomal targeting and trafficking of acid sphingomyelinase to lipid raft platforms in coronary endothelial cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 28:2056-2062, 2008.

Jia SJ, Jin S, Zhang F, Yi F, PL Li. Formation and Function of Ceramide-Enriched Membrane Platforms with CD38 during M1-Receptor Stimulation in Bovine Coronary Arterial Myocytes. Am J Physiol-Heart Circ Physiol. 295(4):H1743-52 2008.